Louis Vuitton Faces Racial Discrimination Lawsuit For Allegedly Banning Black Customers

Three Black customers have alleged multiple encounters of unfair treatment at Louis Vuitton stores.

Louis Vuitton faces some serious accusations after a Black mother-daughter duo and their friend filed a lawsuit against the designer brand for alleged racial discrimination.

In a court filing obtained by TMZ, Tracy Renee Williams claimed that the Louis Vuitton store in Costa Mesa, California refused to deliver items she preordered for about $50,000. Upon inquiring of the delivery status at a Beverly Hills storefront, the situation resulted in police threats.

According to Williams, the white manager at the store warned of her arrest if she stayed or returned. The Neighborhood Talk shared images of the three plaintiffs.

She further alleges that when she sent her white assistant to make a purchase, he was met with no issue and was able to pay a hefty sum in cash. As for the legal action, Williams says her banning from the store has impacted her livelihood. Her social media following stems from her reviews of the Louis Vuitton items. She has estimated a loss of $40,000 a month since the incident.

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