Retiree Finds Lower Cost of Living in Mexico

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Geary Bartmess: Retiring in Mexico for a Simpler Life

Geary Bartmess, a former lawyer from Texas, found solace and a relaxed lifestyle in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, after 35 years of legal work.

Financial Planning

Bartmess began saving aggressively in his 50s, allocating 20% of his salary to savings accounts and diversifying his portfolio with stocks, index funds, and bonds. He also lived below his means and inherited wealth from his mother’s estate.

Choosing Mexico

Despite being financially secure, Bartmess sought a more laid-back lifestyle outside the US. After visiting Puerto Vallarta, he was drawn to its vibrant arts scene, cultural immersion, and proximity to Texas.

Life in Mexico

While Mexico offers affordability in some aspects, Bartmess values the easy-going pace of life more. He enjoys dining at local restaurants, engaging with the community, and pursuing his creative writing.

Health and Healthcare

Bartmess’s health concerns led him to retire early. While healthcare options in Mexico are not as comprehensive as Medicare in the US, he relies on his good health and the convenience of being near Houston for any medical needs.

Community Engagement

Bartmess has integrated into his neighborhood by learning Spanish and participating in community service. He encourages other Americans considering retirement abroad to learn about the local culture and respect their surroundings.

Living in Puerto Vallarta

Bartmess has made Puerto Vallarta his home for 14 years and finds no reason to leave. He enjoys the social opportunities, artistic environment, and the simple yet fulfilling life he has built for himself.

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