Parents furious as Seattle Public Schools considers closing 21 schools

On Wednesday, dozens of people are rallying at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence holding up signs to try and save the 21 schools being considered for closure as the Seattle Public Schools face a $100 million deficit.

Dozens of people filled the center with signs saying “Save our Schools” and “Where’s Option C?” objecting to the district’s proposals to close schools, laying off employees and making major cuts to school programs to save money.

Today’s school board meeting will allow the public to share their opinions on these plans directly with the board.

The board is giving 25 people a chance to speak and has another 125 on the waiting list wanting to weigh in.

The biggest issue at hand is the district’s proposal to close 21 schools.

Parents spoke with KIRO 7 beforehand and said there simply has to be another way, while another parent suggested the district go to the state legislature for funding so school doors can stay open.

This is a developing story and will be updated.

Story continues