Gov. Pillen says new laws ‘button up loopholes’ on foreign adversaries purchasing Nebraska ag land

Gov. Jim Pillen, center right, joins with state senators and Nebraska Department of Agriculture Director Sherry Vinton, second from left, to celebrate three new state laws related to foreign adversaries and land purchases or governmental contracts made in Nebraska. From left: State Sen. Jana Hughes, Vinton, State Sen. Fred Meyer, State Sen. Eliot Bostar, Pillen, State Sen. Barry DeKay and State Sen. Brian Hardin. Sept. 11, 2024. (Courtesy Office of Gov. Jim Pillen)

LINCOLN — Gov. Jim Pillen is praising a trio of new laws that he says enables the State of Nebraska to proactively identify and push back on security threats and foreign land ownership.

Pillen, in a news conference last week, on the 23rd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, praised state lawmakers for passing three measures in the spring : Legislative Bills 1120 , 1300 and 1301 . Together, Pillen said, they “pack a significant punch” in protecting Nebraska from “undue outside influence” that could disrupt the state’s economy or safety.

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