National Grid bills going up this Spring, public hearing being held tonight in Clay

CLAY, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — It’s not even fall yet, but National Grid customers may want to take note that their gas and electric bills will be going up once the Spring hits. But first, customers have a chance to be heard.

“When we file our rate proposal which is governed by the state, there is an input period where individuals or customers and people from the community can offer their opinion,” said National Grid spokesperson Jared Paventi.

Customers can expect their electric bills to increase by $19 and gas bills to increase by $18.
The reason, supply costs are going up.

“The cost to acquire has increased. We’ve seen it even in our property taxes where our structures are. Property taxes have increased as well,” Paventi said.

At a public hearing in Albany Tuesday night, officials there said another reason for the hikes is, that the company complies with the state climate law. That was something customer Bob Cohen couldn’t believe.

“I have started to look through their rate case materials,” Cohen said. “There are hundreds of pages. And they have not documented those costs.”

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