Warmer weather extending into fall is changing farming, crop availability in Illinois

Extended warm weather is affecting fall farming in Illinois 02:10

CHICAGO (CBS) — Fall officially kicks off in just a few days, but fall farming will look different this year due to these continued warm temperatures.

What does that mean at everyone’s favorite farmers’ markets? There is good news and bad news there.

Experts say the warmer early fall temperatures mean some of the summer fruits and veggies we love, like strawberries and tomatoes, can be found at the market for a longer period of time. But it also means some fall produce could be delayed.

“A little bit of warm weather will prolong the harvest for another few weeks,” said Ezra Lee, farms and program manager for Growing Home .

Growing Home is an urban farm and workforce development center running in Englewood from February to November.

“We’re growing about 35,000 pounds of food,” Lee said.

Lee said this hot and dry September means tomatoes, strawberries, and peppers will be on people’s plates for a longer period of time.

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