Fueled by levy funding, Maumee fire welcomes five full-timers

Maumee marked a momentous occasion in fire department history Monday, officially welcoming five full-time firefighter/paramedics.

“This is a really big moment for us,” said Fire Chief Brandon Loboschefski. “This is the result of the community support, through the passage of the levy last November.”

Last fall, Maumee voters approved a continuing 5.6-mill fire levy to fund full-time fire department/EMS operations. The levy, which costs the owner of a $100,000 home $16 per month, had initially been rejected in May, 2023.

“None of this really would have been possible without our citizens supporting our tax levy last November, and understanding the need of transitioning our fire division into a more full-time look,” Mayor Jim MacDonald said. “This is obviously a very historic event for Maumee; it’s been all-volunteer up to this point.”

The new firefighters/paramedics are Shylie Monto, George Jacques III, Tim Crowell, Sam Eiben, and Brock Zuver.

Ms. Monto and Mr. Jacques have been part-time firefighters in Maumee. Mr. Crowell served with the Sandusky Fire Department, Mr. Eiben is from the Waterville Fire Department, and Mr. Zuver comes from the Napoleon Fire and Rescue Department and Williams County EMS in Bryan.

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