Michigan DNR speaks about overpopulation ahead of early antlerless weekend

  • Antlerless deer season starts this weekend.
  • DNR deer specialist Chad Fedewa says that these early hunts help to regulate the deer population.
  • Video shows Fedewa speaking about the early season, safety, and other key points when it comes to hunting.

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

It’s time to dust off the orange vests. I’m your DeWitt neighborhood reporter, Russell Shellberg, with deer numbers: why the DNR says an early hunt is needed and how our neighbors can keep themselves safe this weekend.

“In much of southern Michigan, we have a lot of areas that have too many deer,” said Fedewa.


Too many deer, and not enough hunters…

“It’s been steadily declining one to two percent every year,” said Fedewa.

Fedewa says the number of hunters has dropped to about 600,000 and is likely to fall another 100,000 in a decade due to a lack of interest among youth.

Putting it all together, DNR Acting Deer Specialist Chad Fedewa says we are reaching social capacity…

Story continues