Santa Rosa teen who joked about shooting up school found with boxcutter, police say

PIX Now afternoon edition 9-19-24 07:32

Police in Santa Rosa on Thursday said they issued an arrest citation for a 14-year-old boy who was overheard saying he was going to shoot up his school and was later found with a boxcutter on his middle school campus.

According to a Santa Rosa Police Department Facebook post , on Thursday morning, officers investigated an anonymous tip they received about a student at Slater Middle School making verbal threats that he was going to “shoot up” his school and the school of a friend he was sitting with on a city bus. Police said the student also bragged about being in possession of large quantities of illicit narcotics, according to the community member who called in the tip to police.

The incident was convincing enough for the community member to take down details of the conversation between numerous juveniles and a photo of the student in question to provide to police. An officer went to Slater Middle School at approximately 7:45 a.m. and met with school staff. Administrators quickly identified the student and brought the 14-year-old boy into the office without alarming the rest of the student body.

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