SUV in Texas Pipeline Fire Contained Human Remains

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Human Remains Found in Texas Pipeline Explosion

Authorities in Deer Park, Texas, discovered human remains inside an SUV involved in an accident that ignited a massive pipeline fire. The fire, which burned for four days, was extinguished Thursday night.

Investigators removed the white SUV from the site Thursday morning. Medical examiners later recovered and identified human remains. The identification process is ongoing.

Cause of Crash Unknown

The SUV crashed into a valve on an aboveground pipeline, causing a rupture that led to the explosion. Officials say the driver left a Walmart parking lot, drove onto a grassy area, and crashed through a fence surrounding the pipeline equipment. The cause of the crash remains under investigation.

No Evidence of Terrorism

Preliminary investigations by police and the FBI have found no evidence of a terrorist attack. Energy Transfer, the pipeline owner, has called the incident an accident.

Safety Concerns

The 20-inch pipeline runs through the Houston area, carrying natural gas liquids. The valve equipment was protected by a chain-link fence topped with barbed wire. However, Energy Transfer has not yet disclosed any additional safety measures in place.

Evacuations and Damage

Nearly 1,000 homes were evacuated, and nearby schools were ordered to shelter in place. Residents were allowed to return home Wednesday evening. Some homes sustained damage from the blast, insulation debris, and water from first responders’ efforts to extinguish the fire.

Air Quality Concerns

Energy Transfer and Harris County officials have stated that air quality monitoring shows no immediate risk to individuals, despite the extensive fire and smoke that initially filled the area.

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