For ‘Dads Take Your Kids to School Day,’ FSU School pops and young’uns hit the bricks

In celebration of “Dads Take Your Kids to School Day,” fathers early on Thursday gathered at Southwood Town Center with their children of all ages to assist in the monthly “walking school bus.”

Before it started, young students of Florida State University School (FSUS), a charter school in Southwood, were seen playing tag and running with friends while dads chatted with each other.

Roughly 25 families arrived for the event as Douglass Cooke, president of the Parent Teacher-Student Association (PTSA), greeted and checked students in.

“I always want to be active in my daughter’s life, so I wanted to let her know that she has a strong father behind her,” said Christopher Bush, parent of FSUS student Christyn Bush. “And that she can accomplish anything she puts her mind to.”

The event, organized by the FSUS-PTSA, gives students who walk to school an opportunity to learn safety skills while being supervised. The Florida Department of Transportation supports the walking school bus as students learn to cross intersections, streets, and to be more cautious of their surroundings.

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