New Jersey man doing home renovation finds rare $2,000 cash from 1930s under his porch

New Jersey man doing home renovation finds rare $2,000 cash from 1930s under his porch

Sometimes people find treaures in the most unexpected places. A New Jersey man found thousands of dollars under the porch of his home. Rich Gilson, a resident of Wildwood, stumbled upon decades-old bank notes worth more than $2000 under his porch.

Gilson was in the process of making renovations to his home on Andrews Avenue when he spotted what looked like some rubbish under the porch. “My wife was in there painting and I said you got to come to see this, you won’t believe what I just found,” he tells Fox 29 Philadelphia.

The item looked like a cigar until he looked more closely when he realized that what he was looking at were rolls of cash made of  $10 and $20 notes. Surprisingly, each bill was in pristine condition and was minted back in 1934.

In an interview with Fox 29 Philadelphia , Gilson recalled: “I thought it was trash. My wife was in there painting and I said you got to come see this, you won’t believe what I just found.” The owner counted more than $2,000 which when adjusted for inflation should be around $43,000. Gilson isn’t sure how the money came to be buried on his property but he speculates that “either somebody robbed a bank and buried it there, or somebody didn’t trust the banks in 1934 during the height of the depression.”

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