Deadly Floods in Africa Claim Lives of Humans and Animals

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Flooding Crisis in Nigeria and West Africa

Torrential rains have caused catastrophic flooding in Central and West Africa, especially in Maiduguri, Nigeria.

Devastation in Maiduguri

Floods have destroyed homes, washed away inmates from a prison, and left corpses of animals and humans floating in the streets. Governor Babagana Zulum described the damage as "beyond human imagination."

Over 1,000 Deaths

Over 1,000 people have been killed in the floods, with the highest death toll in Chad (487). Over four million have been affected, with 600,000 displaced in Borno state alone.

Aid Efforts

International organizations like the World Food Program and USAID are providing food and cash assistance to the displaced. However, many residents say they have received little support from authorities.

Vulnerability to Extreme Weather

Africa is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather events due to climate change. The World Meteorological Organization estimates that up to 118 million Africans could be affected by extreme weather by 2030.

Heartbreaking Stories

Survivors have shared chilling accounts, including one mother who had to abandon her newborn baby. The floods have also damaged crucial infrastructure, including dams and bridges.

Appeal for Assistance

Governor Zulum has appealed for international assistance, as the resources of Borno state are stretched thin.

Additional Flooding

Floods have also impacted Niger, where over 841,000 people have been affected and hundreds have died.

Help from Neighbors

Despite his own loss, Saleh Bukar is volunteering to help others by recovering bodies, rescuing survivors, and cooking meals for those sheltering at the local school.

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