New Mexico prickly pear farmers say 2024 harvest is bountiful

NEW MEXICO (KRQE) – Those growing and harvesting prickly pear fruit said 2024 is a banner year for the crop. One local company is trying to get people to stop overlooking the red fruit.

Will Thomson co-owns Prickly Foods who creates lemonades and syrups from the fuchsia-colored cactus fruit. “It’s kind of a subtle flavor, but sort of like a watermelon,” Thomson described.

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Six years ago, Thomson created the New Mexico Prickly Pear Festival, aimed at showcasing the drought tolerant native crop. “There are very few businesses in New Mexico that have a focus on prickly pear. It’s been really cool every year to see a new vendor with prickly pear barbecue sauce, or prickly pear ice cream.”

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