How voters can repeal Washington’s carbon emissions tax

SPOKANE, Wash. — This November, Washington voters can repeal the Climate Commitment Act, the state’s ambitious climate law.

Authors of this new initiative argue the law has implemented a hidden gas tax and is driving up gas and energy prices.

Passed in 2021, the Climate Commitment Act’s goal was to reduce greenhouse emissions by implementing a cap and invest program that sets a limit on overall carbon emissions.

The CCA requires businesses emitting over 25,000 metric tons of carbon a year to obtain emission allowances. Those that don’t are fined.

Supporters of Initiative 2117, to be on the November ballot, argue the CCA’s costs to businesses is raising prices for consumers.

The group behind the initiative, Let’s Go Washington, says the CCA had a direct impact on prices.

“Just a few months after the CCA was enacted, Washington state had the highest gas prices in the nation,” said spokesperson Hallie Balch. “Energy costs for homes and businesses skyrockets by an average of 40%.”

While it’s difficult to find exact correlation, gas prices in Washington did increase exponentially just a few months after the program went into effect.

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