Kaleikini’s daughter details documentary on music legend

HONOLULU (KHON2) — The Hawaii International Film Festival starts next month, and one of the featured films is “Kaniela: the Danny Kaleikiini Story,” a documentary on the late legendary Hawaii entertainer. Danny’s daughter, Keikilani Kaleikini stopped by Take2 on Friday morning to share her thoughts on the film.

“I’m happy everyone gets to learn more about my father,” Keikilani said. “He had his share of challenges but he worked hard and taught people the meaning of aloha.”

Kaleikini, who passed away in 2023, was a renowned musician named Hawaii’s ambassador of aloha in 1988 by Governor John Waihee. Keikilani said the film doesn’t gloss over the realities of his life.

“This film is a real documentary, not a tribute,” she said. “It shares a glimpse into my father’s life. He wasn’t perfect, nobody is. It’s very emotional, at times funny, and other times sad. But my Dad loved people and through all his challenges he always cared about others and was inspirational. I hope people learn that it doesn’t matter where you come from, aloha makes a difference.”

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