‘Don’t sleep on Florida this election cycle.’ LGBTQ+ Democrats and allies open South Florida voter mobilization office

It was almost time for happy hour, but the crowd was told there wasn’t much time.

And the 75 or so people — including a member of Congress and three east Broward mayors — packed into the side room of a restaurant and bar Friday afternoon weren’t there for end-of-the-week libations.

They were all about the work, specifically political outreach to voters between now and Election Day. With a little more than six weeks until Nov. 5, and with voting-by-mail about to begin, they were pushed to do more than hang out with other Democrats at the end of the work day.

“These events are wonderful, and I thank you for being here, thank you for creating visibility” by taking pictures to post on social media and show friends, said Alfredo Olvera, the Broward state Democratic committeeman and president of the Dolphin Democrats LGBTQ+ political club.

That’s not nearly enough, he said: “If we don’t make phone calls, if you don’t walk (door to door), if we don’t write thank you notes, nothing is going to happen.”

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