Wisconsin Angler Catches Impressive “Midnight Black” Lake Sturgeon

What a catch. The beauty of fishing – much like life – is that you never know what will happen. Sure, you could be prepared to max, scope out locations, and research which rigs work best on different kinds of fish. But at the end of the day, if the fish aren’t biting, they just aren’t biting. You can really learn some great life lesson going out and wetting a few lines. On the contrary, sometimes a fishing expedition turns into an incredibly memorable moment, like it did for Jace Willy of North Star Fishing. The video creator has a passion for catching unique fish, and he certainly got one earlier in September while he was fishing at what appears to be the Eau Claire Dam in Wisconsin. As you’ll see in the photo below, Willy caught (and then released) a black lake sturgeon that’s about the darkest pigmentation you’ll ever see on a fish. That’s why he described it has a “Midnight Black Sturgeon” in his caption, which read:

“Midnight Black Sturgeon! This river beast put up a crazy fight while standing in the water. Had to grab her and roll her on her back so she would calm down. Gave a few belly rubs, snapped the pic, and back into the deep she goes…”

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