LETTERS: Tennessee Valley Authority must be accountable to state’s diverse customer base

Editor’s note: Letters to the editor reflect the views of individual readers. Scroll to the bottom to see how you can add your voice, whether you agree or disagree. We welcome diverse viewpoints.

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has raised serious concerns with its recent decision to increase rates by 5% without seeking meaningful input from the public.

This rate hike, imposed on millions of consumers across Tennessee and six surrounding states, is a clear example of TVA’s lack of accountability to the communities it serves. Despite being a government-operated entity, TVA’s unresponsiveness to consumer needs, especially on such critical matters, has highlighted the growing disconnect between the utility and the people it is supposed to serve.

This issue is compounded by TVA’s stalled nomination process for Patrice Robinson to its Board . If confirmed, Robinson would bring much-needed diversity to TVA’s leadership as its only Black member. Her experience in representing underserved communities would provide crucial insights into decision-making, especially for marginalized groups that are disproportionately affected by rate increases and service disruptions. It is alarming that her nomination has not yet received a hearing, raising serious questions about TVA’s commitment to inclusivity and representation.

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