“He’s my hero” hundreds of fallen Firefighters honored at Memorial Park

A busy park in Colorado Springs shut down for part of the day today. That’s because of the 2024 Fallen Firefighters Memorial.

The International Association of Firefighters honors the sacrifices made by their members who have given their lives in the line of duty.

Thousands of families and first responders mourn the loss of their loved ones here at Memorial Park. This year, three hundred and eight firefighters who died in the line of duty will have their names honored.

I talked with people who made the trip from near and far for this event. “It’s important to me that we honor him and other fallen heroes because they deserve our respect.”

The wife of a retired firefighter who made the trip from Wyoming on Saturday tells me events like this are crucial to honor service members. That’s because she says they don’t want to brag about their work. Still though, she says they need to be recognized.

“People that don’t have a firefighters in their family, they’re not aware of the sacrifices that that families make as well as the firefighter and like I said they’re very humble”

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