Georgia Democrats Condemn GOP-Backed Election Rule Change: “A Recipe for Chaos and Confusion”

Georgia Democrats criticize last-minute election rule change requiring hand counting of ballots, warning it could delay results and undermine voter confidence.

Georgia Election Board Sparks Controversy with Last-Minute Hand Count Rule

The Georgia State Election Board has ignited a firestorm of controversy by approving a last-minute rule change that mandates hand counting of all ballots on election night. The decision, driven by three pro-Trump board members, has drawn fierce criticism from Georgia Democrats, who argue that the move is intended to sow chaos and undermine confidence in the state’s electoral process.

The rule change, which was passed just weeks before the upcoming election, has been slammed by election officials and experts who warn that hand counting every ballot could significantly delay results, increase the risk of errors, and create opportunities for disruptions. Critics see the decision as part of a broader strategy to cast doubt on election outcomes, similar to tactics used by former President Donald Trump and his allies following the 2020 election.

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