SB1275: State Parks Now Open to Faster Lease Changes

Oklahoma parks left vulnerable after key bill fails

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What did SB1275 want to accomplish?

SB1275 wanted to make changes to the rules for how the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission can manage state parks.

The bill says that before the Commission could end a lease or do anything that might cause a state park to be sold or lose its ownership, they need permission from the state lawmakers.

Who would have benefited from this law?

✔️State Parks: By requiring legislative approval before a park’s lease can be ended or its ownership changed, state parks are more protected from being sold or mismanaged.

✔️Oklahoma Residents and Visitors: People who enjoy visiting state parks benefit because this law makes sure that important decisions about park ownership are carefully reviewed, helping to keep parks open and accessible.

✔️State Lawmakers: They have more control and oversight on decisions about state parks, ensuring that any major changes are fully considered and debated.

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