AG candidate Sunday, GOP contenders in Pa. House races get support from Yass-backed fund

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Republican attorney general nominee Dave Sunday and GOP contenders in eight Democratic-controlled state House districts have received at least $7.7 million in television advertising support from the PAC backed by conservative mega donor Jeff Yass.

The Democrats targeted in those ads say they’re untruthful and strain the limits of how closely a political action committee can work with candidates. They also question whether the candidates backed by Commonwealth Leaders Fund, some of whom had raised little campaign money themselves, would be independent elected leaders.

“We have deep concerns about a campaign solely funded by one person: what are the expectations of that candidate if they’re elected, when does the debt come due, why does an allegedly education focused advocacy group plan to invest millions into the Attorney General’s office, for starters?” Carver Murphy, campaign manager for Democratic attorney general nominee Eugene DePasquale, asked.

Commonwealth Leaders Fund spent $5.5 million for advertising reservations on Sunday’s behalf from June 11 through Oct. 1, according to advertising industry data obtained by the Capital-Star.

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