Arizona Women Rally Against Kari Lake’s Policies, Calling Them ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Out of Touch’

In a heated roundtable, diverse voices express concerns over Lake’s stance on gender equality and proposed budget cuts.

PHOENIX, AZOn International Equal Pay Day, a coalition of Arizona women gathered to voice their disapproval of Kari Lake’s policy positions, describing her proposed federal budget cuts and anti-abortion stance as a direct threat to their livelihoods and safety. The roundtable, held in Phoenix on September 19, brought together college students, healthcare professionals, seniors, and advocates who warned that Lake’s agenda could “disrupt our entire lives.”

“Her views are not just outdated; they’re dangerous,” said Jacqueline Bussiere, a recent Arizona State University graduate. “To have someone running for a federal position who openly claims that men and women aren’t equal sends a harmful message to young women. It’s as if she’s telling us to curb our ambitions because we’re inherently lesser.”

Gender Equality Under Fire

Lake’s controversial remark, “men and women aren’t equal. We aren’t equal,” has drawn sharp criticism across the state, especially from younger generations who fear it signals a rollback on gender progress. Francesca Martin, an ASU student, emphasized the potential damage to women’s confidence and career aspirations. “If we start electing leaders who don’t see us as equals, it will have a chilling effect on our progress in education and the workforce,” she said.

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