Letters to the editor for Sunday, September 22, 2024



Set a positive tone

As someone who enjoys shopping at Seed to Table and appreciates the community vibe and unique atmosphere, I’ve always admired Alfie Oakes’ willingness to stand up for his beliefs. However, I think it’s worth reconsidering some of the messaging, like the photo of President Biden in the urinals and the “FJB” dumpster out front. While I understand many see this as just outlandish humor, it stops being funny when we see the current climate, with recent assassination attempts on President Trump.

I get that frustrations run high, and it’s important to express our views. But if the problem on the left is often about the messaging and lack of respect, maybe we should be careful to set a good example ourselves. As a community, we have the opportunity to model civility and show that it’s possible to disagree without being disrespectful.

Seed to Table is a popular spot for families, and kids pick up on what they see. We want them to learn that it’s okay to have strong opinions, but it’s also important to treat others with respect — even those we disagree with. By making a few small changes, Seed to Table can continue to be a welcoming place for everyone, while still standing true to its values. Let’s elevate the conversation and set a positive tone for our community.

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