Piano concerts headline inaugural Keep Us Live! Arts Performance Series

Amarillo College is introducing a mix of musical and theatrical entertainment opportunities on tap in the year ahead, which have been collectively dubbed the Keep Us Live! Arts Performance Series.

The inaugural Arts Performance Series, being sponsored by Keep Us Live!, is comprised of five live performances, the first four of which are piano concerts that will replicate what has for many years been popularly known as the AC Piano Series. The Arts Performance Series will conclude on April 27, 2025 with a captivating new musical, “Between the Lines,” presented by AC theatre students.

The four concerts, which are free and open to the public, will each be conducted at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings at the Concert Hall Theater on AC’s Washington Street Campus. The series will commence on Oct. 1 with Medleys Buffet, which will be presented by the talented and versatile AC music faculty duo of Dr. Bruce Lin and Dr. Nathaniel Fryml.

“We love offering a variety of musical entertainment selections at no cost to our music-loving community,” Dr. Bruce Lin, director of piano at AC, said. “We are so appreciative of the warm receptions our concerts have received in the recent years past. It’s what drives us to try and raise the bar even higher each year.

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