Your turn: Hey, Stellantis, a deal is a deal. Open the Belvidere plant now

Mr. Tavares, a deal is a deal. You agreed to open the Belvidere Assembly Plant. Now do it.

It has been nearly one year since Stellantis CEO Carlos Tavares agreed to end the 46-day strike. Reopening Belvidere was part of that deal, and it filled the region with hope and promise.

Against the odds, a shuttered plant would come roaring back to life, with the promise of additional investment in a new electric vehicle line, battery plant, and a parts distribution hub.

Still, a feeling of “trust, but verify,” weighed on the announcement.

UAW workers, their families, and the entire community want to see shovels in the ground and concrete being poured. These visible steps would put into action the promises that were made. Seeing is believing.

However, that has yet to happen. Worse yet, Tavares sent his legal team to intimidate workers, citing contract language it claims provides the $44 billion company with an excuse to break its promise if so-called “market conditions” are not right.

Today, we are at the point where the UAW is contemplating another strike.

Story continues