Severe Weather Possible Across Parts of Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana

Much Needed Rain Likely in Georgia & Tennesse Late in the Week

09/23/23 9:28am ET

Good morning everyone. Clouds have returned to the Northeast as our next front will linger over the next few days, and bring us some much needed rain to parts of the area. Light to moderate rain and a few rumbles of thunder are heading through central parts of New York and Pennsylvania, which desperately need it.

That rain will try and make it to parts of New Jersey and NYC/Long Island, but it might fizzle out into some scattered showers or even nothing at all. A better chance of a few showers looks to be on Wednesday and Thursday before sunshine returns on Friday.

The front responsible for rain in the Northeast, stretches all the way back into Texas. Along it, we are seeing areas of heavy showers and thunderstorms. Some of these areas are also in need of soaking rains, and they will get it. Areas of rain and rumbles stretch from northeast and central Texas, into southeast Oklahoma, then into Missouri and central/lower Illinois.

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