New Restaurant With 100s of Board Games, Card Games, and RPGs Now Open

There’s just something about coming together with friends around a favorite board game. Or perhaps a favorite card game. Maybe it’s not even a long-time favorite game but one you’re just discovering for the first time. Instead of everyone looking at their cell phones throughout dinner, everyone is able to partake. It’s a nice way to briefly detox from digital screens while sharing laughter with others at the table. Now, at a new restaurant in Chandler, you’re able to not only order a favorite meal and drink but also select from hundreds of board and card games to share with your friends. 

Mox Boarding House started in the Pacific Northwest, where it has several locations in Oregon and Washington State. The restaurant is all about giving guests not only a number of food options but near infinite game options. Sure, there are several restaurants around town that have a collection of dusty board games (some of which have all the pieces), but at those locations, you’re out of luck when one game is taken, and the selection is poor at best. At Mox Boarding House, there are often a half-dozen options of the same game, so you don’t have to worry about it being taken, and you can choose from the impressive game library to find something you and your table mates will enjoy. 

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