Does voter registration expire in Pa? How to make sure you’re ready to vote

The election is less than 45 days away, and you haven’t been to the ballot box since the last presidential election.

Here’s what you need to know to make sure you’re ready to vote on Nov. 5.

Does voter registration expire?

In Pennsylvania, your voter registration doesn’t have an official expiration date. But, you can be removed from the voter rolls under certain circumstances.

If you’ve moved and didn’t update your registration, or if election mail sent to you has been returned as undeliverable, the state may send a confirmation notice to verify your address. If you don’t respond to the notice or miss voting in two consecutive federal elections, your registration may be considered inactive, and you could be removed from the rolls.

It’s not technically an expiration, but you can be taken off the list of eligible voters at your polling place. So, it’s a good idea to confirm your registration status if it’s been a few cycles since you last cast a vote or if you’ve moved since the last time you voted.

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