Fountain Hills school opens store to provide necessities to students

Racks full of clothes. Rows of shoes on full display. Shelves lined with books, toys and trinkets. This is what Fountain Hills Middle School students can find when they enter the Second Chance store on campus.

Second Chance is a donation-based store, which allows students to shop for necessities that range from school merchandise, to classroom supplies, to new clothing and all the way to the dressers that house the garments.

Steffnie Beck, who serves as an administration assistant for the district, has been continuously pushing for the store. On Sept. 12, she welcomed parents and other faculty to a ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open Second Chance to the school community. The ceremony served as a way to display everything that the store offers and as a thank you to the community and everyone who has donated. Along with Beck, Superintendent Cain Jagodzinski and Principal Kimberly Weeldreyer all spoke before the red ribbon was snipped at about 5 p.m. The event was hosted by the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce.

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