Report: Undocumented immigrants paid nearly $72M in Idaho, local taxes in 2022

Immigrant farm workers harvest broccoli on March 16, 2006 near the border town of near San Luis, south of Yuma, Arizona. (David McNew/Getty Images)

In 2022, undocumented immigrants paid $71.9 million in Idaho state and local taxes, a recent study found.

Unauthorized immigrants are key players in Idaho’s economy, agricultural sector, study shows

That means undocumented immigrants — in Idaho, and 39 other states — paid higher state and local tax rates than the top 1% of households living in those states, according to a report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy.

The study “shines a light on how undocumented immigrants pay higher tax rates than the top 1 percent in Idaho,” May Roberts, policy analyst at the Idaho Center for Fiscal Policy, said in a news release Thursday. “This information is important for lawmakers to consider when making policies that affect our tax structure and undocumented folks living in Idaho.”

The study found undocumented workers’ current tax rate in Idaho was 7.2%, compared to 6.4% for the top 1% of all taxpayers.

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