Is Weather Modification And Cloud Seeding As Safe As They Say It Is

Here we go again! Regions around the world have been spraying things into clouds to change their behavior, and while this has been going on for decades (one of the most famous, now declassified instances is in Vietnam during the war), there is still a huge percentage of the population who either doesn’t know or doesn’t understand this planned, deliberate weather modification.

Either way, this begs the question: Are we playing with fire?

Let’s go over a few words flying around and their definitions so you know exactly what I’m talking about here:

Contrail: A line-shaped cloud that develops behind a jet engine as it soars through the sky, also known as a condensation trail. Ice crystals are created when water vapor from aircraft exhaust and ambient air freeze around exhaust particle fragments, sort of like your warm breath on a cool morning.

Chemtrail: A “chemtrail” is what some people think that governments or other organizations are working on a covert operation to inject harmful chemicals into the atmosphere using aircraft.

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