Voters react to gruesome political ad set to air on TMJ4

TMJ4 News wants to make our viewers aware of an advertisement that you may see on our airwaves starting as soon as September 23.

Some people, if not most, will find the images in the ad to be unsettling and inappropriate. Before you see the ad, we wanted to file a report and explain why we are required by law to broadcast it.

Lighthouse reporter Ryan Jenkins spoke with voters to ask how they feel about the aggressive advertising this political season and with a political watchdog group to explain why TMJ4 is mandated to air some of these commercials.

Watch: Voters react to gruesome political ad set to air on TMJ4; Here’s why it must be broadcasted

Voters react to gruesome political ad set to air on TMJ4

TMJ4 often hears viewer feedback related to political advertising. Last year, a viewer wrote to us and said in part, “While I find all the mud-slinging political ads annoying and ineffective, I feel this one crosses the line.” TMJ4 News

Another viewer wrote to us regarding a political advertisement last year saying in part, “The Campaign has gone too far and so have you as a station for airing it!”

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