Alaskan Man Tries To Get Unfazed Bear Off Dumpster With A 2×4: “Dude, I Don’t Want To Poke You”

Yet another great use for a trusty 2×4. Need to frame up a house? Use a 2×4! Need to craft a makeshift bridge across a creek? Some 2×4’s will surely do the trick. Is there a pesky bear trying to get into an alleyway dumpster? The only logical way to handle that is to find the nearest 2×4 and start poking at it. As far as lumber goes, the 2×4 is the most versatile of all cuts. This long piece of wood certainly came in handy when an Alaskan man had a stand off with a big ol’ bear, and wanted to try and get the bruin out and away from a dumpster. He utilized it both to poke the bear (isn’t there a saying that insists you aren’t supposed to do that?) and bang against the dumpster’s walls and siding. That didn’t really faze the dumpster diving bear, nor did these commands that the guy shouted out:

“Go! Get! Get bear! Dude, I don’t want to poke you.”

If the bear understood the English language, I’m sure it would have appreciated the hesitation from the man to poke it with a long piece of wood. Instead of caring even the slightest bit about the man’s efforts to make it move, the bear just kept doing its thing in the dumpster. At the very least, you’ve got to give

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