Family Finds Better Life in Switzerland

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Family Finds Acceptance and Ease in Switzerland

In 2016, a family of five left Connecticut for Switzerland, seeking a supportive environment for their neurodivergent son. They were welcomed with open arms and found a sense of community.

Convenient and Connected Living

Switzerland offers a convenient lifestyle with accessible bike paths, public transportation, and safe walking trails. The family no longer needs to rely on cars, fostering a connection with nature and reducing stress.

Community and Independence

The international community in Switzerland provides support and guidance, while the Swiss emphasize independence. Children are encouraged to navigate their surroundings alone, promoting self-reliance and a sense of responsibility.

Leaving the US for Stability

Despite their love for the US, the family chooses to stay in Switzerland due to ongoing political divisions. They witness the contrast between the peaceful atmosphere in Switzerland and the polarization in their former homeland. The family remains grateful for their experiences but finds stability and a sense of belonging in their new country.

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