Pond in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn thriving after vandalism brought community together

A pond in Brooklyn that was vandalized a month ago is now thriving after the incident brought the community together.

The pond, “Bed-Stuy Aquarium,” is a giant fish tank on display for the neighborhood to enjoy at the intersection of Tompkins Avenue and Hancock Street

Vandals tried to destroy the tank, but were unsuccessful. And that led the community to rally.

“It’s very moving, captivating for me to see all those people come together for fish,” said Bed-Stuy’s Floyd Washington.

In early August, Washington and his buddies paid a few dollars for a bunch of goldfish and placed them in standing water. Since then hundreds of have stopped by and seen it on social media.

But critics were concerned about the welfare of the fish.

“I would say they are in danger in there, but it’s definitely bringing a little joy,” added resident Phyllis Johnson.

There are several plans focused on what it do with the pond and the fish as the area heads into colder months. One includes removing the fish and moving them inside for the winter and bringing them back when it warms up. The other leaves them in the pond.

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