Marco Island Charter School gets new buses after weeks without transportation

Students at Marco Island Charter Middle School (MICMS) will finally have a school bus again after weeks without public transportation.

In June, Collier County Public Schools (CCPS) stopped providing bus service to them, so the school has opted to purchase two brand new buses of their own.

“I think this is a great step forward for the school and for our families here,” said Principal Margo Heidenreich, who had been working for weeks on a solution.

Watch to see why the school did not have a school bus for weeks:

Marco Island Charter School welcomes new buses after weeks without transport

On Tuesday, the two new buses arrived on campus to cheering students. That’s because it is the first time the school is seeing a bus on campus since the start of the school year.

“We decided the best thing for our families and our school, to grow, was to purchase our own buses,” Heidenreich explained. “That’s exactly what we’ve done. We were able to get three buses, finance them, and find a couple of drivers. We feel really good moving forward with starting bus service next week. I’m excited.”

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