CAUTIOUSLY OPTIMISTIC: Stuart wants Brightline, county frustrated with dealings

Stuart city commissioners decided late Monday night they wanted to put the idea of a Brightline station back on track.

“Most people realize the value of this and as long as the train is running through town, let’s be able to hop on board,” Mayor Campbell Rich told WPTV Tuesday.

In the latest of events, the city commission directed the city manager to reengage with Brightline on a new agreement where the train operator foots more of the total bill.

Commissioner Christopher Collins led the 3-2 decision earlier in the month that rescinded the city’s existing agreements with Brightline and the county.
Critics also contend the train won’t stop enough.

WATCH: City of Stuart votes 3-2 to rescind lease with Brightline, revokes agreement with Martin County

City of Stuart votes 3-2 to rescind lease with Brightline, revokes agreement with Martin County

“They’re going to respond to demand. If the demand is there, they will stop,” said Rich. “Cities have to be very careful telling private businesses how to run their businesses.”

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