Tyre Nichols: Jurors Hear Testimony Against EMTs Failing To Render Aid, Accused Cop’s Ex-Girlfriend Testifies He Sent Bloody Photos

Tyre Nichols‘ family is praying every day that justice will be done to the six former Memphis police officers who stole his life for no reason other than bloodlust and malice. As the trial against three officers progresses, new information about what happened that night is coming to light.

Today, according to EMS1, jurors saw a video of two first responder EMTs casually milling around while Nichols lay dying as a result of his injuries from the kicking, punching, choking, and tasing administered by the officers in question. Jurors were also shown a video that proves that Nichols received no medical treatment until a paramedic named Jesse Guy and his partner arrived on the scene.

Guy testified Wednesday that Long and Sandridge did not say if they had checked Nichols’ pulse and heart rate, and they did not report if they had given him oxygen, reports EMS1.

When asked by one of Bean’s lawyers whether that information would have been helpful in treating Nichols, Guy said yes.

The officers involved in this fatal abuse of power were members of the city’s now-disbanded “Scorpion Unit” who were tasked with getting drugs and guns off the streets of Memphis. Tyre Nichols had neither of those things in his possession when he was killed.

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