Is it illegal to steal or vandalize a campaign sign in Georgia? Here’s what to know

Campaign tactics become intense the closer the election draws, but some overzealous voters can take it too far.

Stealing campaign signs is a crime in Georgia , and the law takes it very seriously since it is treated like theft under the Georgia code.

In 2021 a Clarkston, Georgia, politician was arrested for stealing his opponent’s campaign signs during a heated race. Even though the signs only cost about $6 a piece, it is still theft, and a warrant was issued for the crime caught on camera.

Closer to home, in 2022, local candidates Teddy Reese and Zeph Baker told a news outlet this issue was impacting them, leading Harris County Sherriff Mike Jolley to issue a warning about the consequences of stealing or defacing campaign signs.

Campaign signs are considered political speech

Removing, defacing or tampering with signs placed lawfully is illegal in Georgia. This crime is covered under Code Section 16-7-58 which strictly prohibits removing posters, signs or advertisements from public or private property without permission.

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