Minnesota man in Norfolk helps distribute videos of animal torture

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — A man from Minnesota pleaded guilty in Norfolk to conspiracy to create and distribute animal crushing videos on Tuesday.

Animal crushing is the term used to describe the act of crushing, burning, maiming or torturing animals.

According to court documents, from at least June 11, 2021, to July 8, 2022, 62-year-old Jeffrey Radtke received payments from co-conspirators to help pay videographers. Over 20 electronic payments ranging from $1 to $300 from his co-conspirators helped pay videographers outside of the United States to create videos depicting the torture and deaths of juvenile macaque monkeys.

Radtke and others had direct communications with a co-conspirator in Indonesia. Radtke and others routinely communicated with the individual to help create these animal crush videos and direct the videographers how to torture the animals.

Between June 7, 2021, and Aug. 5, 2022, Radtke sent over 40 payments ranging from $25 to $295 to the co-conspirator in Indonesia.

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