Migrants excluded from metro Denver homeless count report

Data presented in the Point in Time count of people experiencing homelessness in Denver for 2024 did not include unhoused migrants, a representative of the Metro Denver Homeless Initiative told a City Council committee Wednesday.

According to a presentation by Kyla Moe, the count tallied 9,977 people experiencing homelessness in the metro Denver region. A total of 2,919 of them were living outdoors or in other areas not meant for human habitation. But these numbers do not include migrants who might have been staying at traditional shelters or shelters specifically stood up for them, she said.

Reports of migrants staying in homeless encampments and traditional shelters have been widespread this year. MDHI counted migrants for the January event, Moe said, at the shelters that were stood up specifically for them. But not at the traditional homeless shelters. The totals from the migrant shelters only were provided to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. They were not included in the public report.

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