How to request records from state, local governments in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County

Records from l ocal, state and federal government are available to the public if one knows how to ask for them.

While journalists like the team at The Charlotte Observer regularly use public records requests, non-journalists can also file requests in order to get information from local, state and federal agencies. In many cases, filing a request is as simple as filling out an online form.

But individuals can face hurdles getting their requests fulfilled.

“The biggest challenge … is not getting the proper respect from public officials or from public agencies,” said Amanda Martin, a veteran First Amendment lawyer .

Here’s what to know about your rights to see public records and how to get them at the local, state and federal level:

What is the Freedom of Information Act?

The Freedom of Information Act , referred to as FOIA, is the federal law that governs how the public can obtain records from federal agencies. It passed in 1967 and has been updated multiple times since.

“Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement,” the federal government says.

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