Opinion: Capping pharmaceutical prices does not harm medication development

We would hope that our politicians would place the interests of their constituents over party. Utah’s congressional delegation opposed a provision in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. The act will save money for 427,600 Utah seniors , in addition to reducing the costs of Medicare . Insulin, for example, costs patients an average of $400/month prior to the IRA. It is now capped at $35/month. Other medications beginning in January 2026 will include Januvia, a drug used by diabetes patients; Farxiga, another drug used to treat diabetes; and Stelara, used to treat Crohn’s disease. Januvia will fall from $527 to $113, Farxiga from $556 to $178 and Stelara from $13,836 to $4,695.

Back in 2003, a provision in the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act prevented Medicare from negotiating prices. While expanding the safety net for senior citizens, Congress allowed pharmaceutical companies to charge whatever they wanted. Profits soared.

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