Phony Amazon delivery driver steals expensive package off GR family’s porch

A West Michigan family fell victim to a devious scheme by a thief who disguised himself as an Amazon delivery driver to steal packages from her porch.

“I feel violated,” Petra Waters told FOX 17 Thursday morning.

She and her husband were out of town on September 24.

They were expecting a number of Apple products to arrive on their front porch while they were gone, so they were keeping a close eye on their phones.

Petra got an alert that her new iPhone, and two sets of AirPods, had been delivered on her front porch.

“When my kids got home, I asked them to grab the packages, but they weren’t there.”

She pulled up her Ring doorbell app.

In a video recorded at 3:26 p.m., she sees a FedEx driver drop her items off at her house.

But, not two minutes later, her video shows a man wearing a blue Amazon vest waltz up, drop off a nondescript cardboard box, and take her packages.

After investigating in person, she found that he had swapped her high-end Apple products for a box of printer paper.

Story continues