Hispanic Heritage Month: an immigrant impact on West Michigan economy

As Hispanic Heritage Month continues, FOX 17 is sharing stories of Latinos who make a positive impact on our West Michigan communities.

From Mexico to Michigan, by way of farm work, Ruben Juarez is now the CEO of a company that works to help get people jobs, grow careers and community. Juarez shared his experience with FOX 17.

“My parents and I, my brothers, migrated from Mexico when I was seven years old,” Juarez explained.

Juarez recalls his first years in the U.S. when his family struggled to find work wherever they could. “My dad was a farm worker, and we bounced around from state to state for a while.”

It was a time Juarez says shaped his work ethic.

His family’s journey finally landed them in Fruitport, Michigan. “They were hoping that we would really pursue the American dream. The idea of coming here, planting good roots and making something of yourself.”

It was a very scary time. “We weren’t legal,” Juarez added. That reality created uncertainty.

“It took 1984 to 1985. During that time is when Ronald Reagan gave us the amnesty, which was a beautiful gift. Probably one of the best gifts we’ve ever had. So that allowed us to become citizens.”

Story continues