State sues company accused of dumping wind-turbine blades

The state of Iowa is suing a Washington-state company and its executives for dumping and then abandoning tons of old wind-turbine blades around Iowa, in violation of the state’s solid-waste laws. These blades were allegedly dumped in the city of Newton. (Photo from Iowa Department of Natural Resources files)

The state of Iowa is suing a Washington-state company and its executives for allegedly dumping tons of old wind-turbine blades around Iowa, in violation of the state’s solid-waste laws.

The lawsuit alleges that over the past seven years, Global Fiberglass Solutions has failed to properly dispose of decommissioned wind-turbine blades and stockpiled them at multiple locations across Iowa.

The lawsuit, filed in Iowa District Court for Jasper County, seeks payment of civil penalties and a court injunction to prevent any additional violations of the state’s solid-waste laws.

Global Fiberglass Solutions and its CEO, Donald Lilly, are named as defendants in the case, as is Ronald Albrecht, one of Global’s corporate officers. The defendants could not be reached for comment.

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