Alaskan Klee Kai vs Siberian Husky: What’s the Difference?

While they may look strikingly similar, there are many key differences between the Alaskan Klee Kai vs Siberian Husky . But what might some of those differences be, and how can you learn how to tell these two dog breeds apart upon first glance?

In this article, we will address everything you need to know about Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Klee Kais so that you can get a full understanding of both breeds. We will go over their physical differences as well as their ancestral and behavioral differences. We will also address their lifespans and health concerns in case you are interested in bringing one of these lovely dogs into your family. Let’s get started!

Comparing Alaskan Klee Kai vs Siberian Husky

Alaskan Klee Kai Siberian Husky
10-13 inches tall; 6-25 pounds 20-24 inches tall; 35-60 pounds
Looks like a miniature husky, though has very distinct facial patterns and masking. Only found in black, gray, and red colors, with opposing white accents. Large and beautiful dogs, covered in thick and fluffy fur. Only comes in a few distinct colors, including black, white, red, and gray. No eye markings.
Originated in the 1970s as a more compact Husky alternative. Recognized by the AKC as its own distinct breed in 2020. Originated in Asia before the 20th century. Bred for work and sled pulling, specifically for sled dog racing.
Alert and high energy. Can suffer from separation anxiety and may need more training before being introduced to children. Loves their family but is wary of strangers. Extremely patient, calm, and easy to train. Very high energy and friendly, and they do not make good watch dogs. Has a high prey drive for smaller animals.
13-16 years 12-14 years

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