PAB’s ‘The Cost of Misconduct’: RPD has paid out $25m in claims since 2012

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — A new report shows the Rochester Police Department has paid out $25 million in claims since 2012.

The board created to hold police accountable for misconduct and other violations that erode public trust included that finding as part of its proposal.

It’s called “The Cost of Misconduct,” the Police Accountability Board reported that the city has spent more than twice its allocated budget on civil claims since 2011. Investigators added that misconduct claims, ranging from property damage to excessive force, make up a majority, or 52%, of those costs.

The report offers recommendations on how RPD can keep better records to help improve police conduct. PAB leadership said that it will make it easier for taxpayers to know just how much of their money is being spent to settle these claims.

During a public hearing on the report Thursday, a handful of folks asked questions such as how the PAB gathered the information, and what happens next.

“It’s an opportunity to hear Rochester Police Department policy and offer direct feedback which is something that isn’t – or hasn’t been, prior to Police Accountability Board, really offered,” said Vanessa Cheeks, the director of public affairs and community engagement for PAB. “So, it’s a unique opportunity for people to come in and have a say in how these policies are carried out.”

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